“To plan, advocate for, and serve older Kansans residing in South Central Kansas”

SCKAAA is now your local Aging & Disability Resource Center Aging & Disability Resource Center. (ADRCs) are visible and trusted places where people can turn for information, assistance, ad a single point of entry to public long-term support programs and benefits.
The statewide comprehensive call center can be reached at 1-855-200-2372 to initiate assistance anywhere in the state of Kansas. Feel free to contact the statewide call center or the South Central Kansas office for more information.
SCKAAA is represented by hundreds of volunteers working together with staff from both the Central Office in Arkansas City and the ten County Units to improve the quality of life for older Kansans.
Our Customers
- Age 60 & older
- Disabled & Handicapped individuals
- Families of Older Kansans
- Senior Centers & Service Providers
- Federal & State Funding Agencies
- Taxpayers of South Central Kansas
Eligibility requirements among the programs administered by SCKAAA vary. Contact SCKAAA for information.
Major Goals
- Secure maximum independence for older Kansans.
- Remove individual and social barriers to economic and personal independence.
- Prevent unnecessary and premature institutionalization.
Contributions – You Can Help Provide Services
SCKAAA is a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions made to SCKAAA are tax deductible. Contact us for information.